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About Us

Who We Are

We are a worldwide movement of organizations united around a common vision: to achieve fossil-free, healthy and safe cities for all. We believe we achieve our ambitions best when we co-conspire – sharing strategies, successes and inspiration with organizations at the forefront of the climate crisis across the world. That’s why we are a collective, supporting a network of members who commit to shared values, vision and goals, while promoting space for individual creativity and growth. 

Our Vision

Our cities need clean air, safe transport and companies that are accountable for their impact.

Our collective power can ensure that governments, companies and societies put people first, that vehicles of all sizes don’t pollute, and that companies respect our streets and stop contributing to climate and local pollution.

We passionately believe that societies that put people and planet before profit can inspire urban mobility that advances the health and wellbeing of our communities. Together we will make sure streets are for people, not pollution.

How we work

The Clean Mobility Collective (CMC) is a network working to address the growing emissions and public health crisis from the global transport sector.  We are building an international movement of activist groups, NGOs, and technical partners to support communities who are leading on locally relevant solutions and to scale up our impact through collaboration. Our founding steering committee is made up of representatives from Asar (India), Clean Cities Campaign (EU), (US/Canada), the Urban Movement Innovation Fund, as well as advisors from Purpose India and the Zero Now Fund. 

Take Action!

The networked coalition helps local sustainable urban mobility advocates to have a greater collective impact on corporates’ commitments.

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Who we are

The Clean Mobility Collective core team is drawn from across our founding partners Asar, Clean Cities Campaign, and UMI Fund.

“The energy and ideas from network members big and small really powers us towards our goal. I feel absolutely privileged to be part of it.”

Siddharth Sreenivas, Network Coordinator, Asar India

Together we will make sure streets are for people, not pollution.

We believe our collective power can ensure that mobility and goods delivery puts people first, that vehicles of all sizes don’t pollute, that companies respect our streets and stop contributing to climate and local pollution.

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